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Hello all and welcome to my website. My name is Leah & I am (quite frankly) obsessed with cleanliness, order & anti clutter! I believe that everything has a certain place & that way…you will know where to find it. I can’t even tell you the first time that I became this way because it is all that I know.


When I was a little girl, I had to make my bed every morning before leaving the house (I still do this). We had chores every Saturday morning. All 5 of us children. Our mother would make lists, magnet them to the refrigerator & away all of us went. ALL…OVER…THE…HOUSE. There were vacuum cleaners going, there was the washer & dryer spinning, there was mopping, scrubbing, dusting and polishing. There was not a dull moment in our home on Saturday mornings. In fact, it was chaos. We all wanted to get done so that we could go out & play. However, our mom had to approve. Don’t get me wrong. She wasn’t mean about it. We just had to pitch in as a family and get our house spick & span for the week to come. We had church every Sunday and it was a day of rest, so we had to get it done that day.


From that time period until thus far, I have always been very orderly. I don’t like crumbs. I don’t like water spots. I don’t let clothes sit in the washing machine until they are moldy and you have to wash them all over again. I let SOME dishes sit in the sink, however, it is not often and definitely, not overnight. I’m sure you get the gist.


Ahhh, and I am very matchy-matchy (I don’t know if that’s in the!) and I love putting items together to coordinate. I am a 'Tetris Guru' meaning that I can pack items in a bin, box, ziplock bag, tote, room, closets and rafters etc. I make and the like items together. I sometimes use tools and I definitely use environment friendly products.


This is why one of my passions for a long time has been to be in and start an organizing, declutter and cleaning business.


So, again welcome to my blog and please know that when & if I come into your home or your place of business that I am never there to judge & I respect privacy and do not disclose our business arrangement or what project I am working on for you unless you give permission. It is all about respect. I am not an advocate for judgmental people and I know at times some have wondered if I would think their place was ‘not up to my standards’. Although, everyone that knows me, knows that I believe people should live however they see fit. Whether they are comfortable or not. It is where we all spend a good amount of time. I merely am here to help!! I love helping others and when all parties have a good feeling with the results, well, that’s the beauty of it.


There is so much craziness out in the world & a lot of it we can not control. However, I am a believer that when you go home to your sanctuary, office, are helping a loved one out with their home or the like, that is the last place you should have to feel stress with. You should feel good in your surroundings. 

Let me help you de-stress, learn some tactics, give some pointers & advice OR I can just do it and be done! No comments needed… I am diverse & flexible and will mood match to what is comfortable for you.


Let’s begin….feel free to reach out to me for a consultation, questions or to book an appointment. Thank you & have a wonderful day!

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